Thursday, September 12, 2013

Facebook Founder, “Connecting The 5 Billion People around the world ”

connecting 5 billion users with Facebbok

Facebook,which is the leading social network,and cane many of other social network,even if they are very much popular at there time.Facebook have 1.15 active user around the world,increasingly day by day because of the services that Facebook is providing.Mark Zuckerberg (CEO Facebook.Inc) said this is not much.that's why he said.

“retooling the company to take on a lot of harder problems”

                         (Mark Zuckerberg(Founder,CEO Facebook Inc)

During the Tech Crunch Disrupt Conference Mark Zukerberg said in that packed room that he wants to connect those 5 million social network user’s around the world.Hopefully it can,when developers build more social application to interconnect all those user’s

"We want to focus on doing a few of the core things and enable other companies to build great social apps,"

Last month Zuckerberg launched  in which he wrote himself.Its is the initiative for web access,with the help of partnership of 6 top leading telecommunication and mobile company(Samsung, Ericsson, MediaTek, Nokia, Opera and Qualcomm).this initiative main concerned,to build new data-compression technologies,network infrastructure,and other business model to increase the number of Smartphone user’s.


Facebook some recent moves for popular apps.Facebbok camera which is not resulted good,in the process of acquiring Instagram and launched poke.An ill-fated clone of Snapchat, a service that sends disappearing photo and video messages.Facebook also wants' all social application interconnect,These apps might use Facebook as a log-in service, or to populate accounts with personal data, or to import lists of friends—or simply as a computing back end.

"The full vision over time was that we could help applications by enabling login, importing friends, and distribution,"

Past,“Facebook Apps” means by ,those social apps which are running on Facebook websites such as Zynga’s once popular for the web-based games even some other are there which were popular.Now Facebook wants that developer’ to use in Facebook multiple tiers for the application-development process,Step-In Facebook recently acquired the Parse which deals with back-end services mobile-app.

Facebook For Mobile:

Facebook own many mobile apps after major invigilate.Last year Facebook not getting revenue from the owned  mobile apps.But in recent statics,clarify 40% of the Facebook revenue from mobile apps.Over one-fifth people use Facebook on mobile device.Facebook Home which is built by Facebook,get disappointment because of availability on some of the Smartphone and worse thing user rejected even it is not available on the apple’s Smartphone due to the less customizations from Apple’s OS.

"It's a tough thing determining when something doesn't work, and when something hasn't worked yet.

Zuckerberg said users liked the Cover Feed feature which displays photos and posts Home displayed on their phone's home screens, and that Facebook is considering incorporating with other social applications like Instagram.

What Facebook wants:

A billion isn’t a magical number. No one wakes up and says ‘I want to get one-seventh of the world to do something.’

Facebook wants all the social networks connected and the those social networks use only Facebook log-in services and get more visitors around the world.After launch of Facebook in 2004,company is growing rapidly and wants largest number of  users on the Social platform by Facebook.

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