Monday, October 21, 2013

Start Digital Life With Li-Fi


Image By Atundev Flickr

In the world technology all the expectations are now becoming real and the new fore step is in the way to connect the internet with the LED bulbs.According Chinese Scientists,technology of Wi-Fi will serve in the form of Li-Fi with the 1 watt LED bulb.

This micro chipped bulb can produce data speed of up to 150 Megabits per second (Mbps)

                                                                  Chi Nan, IT professor at Shanghai's Fudan University

According to scientists,1 watt LED light bulb light energy is sufficient for connectivity to four computer.There is no evidence or supporting videos for demonstrating.Li-Fi technology is also known as visible light communications (VLC),if this possible then connectivity invade in the new generation and all other fiber optics and cables may flashed not even this can give up more internet speed from conventional Chinese broadband connection.VLC technology will compensate all high cost which are burden for the netizens of China.

Professor Haas showing off his li-fi system

In 2011, Prof Harald Haas, an expert in optical wireless communications at the University of Edinburgh, demonstrated how an LED bulb equipped with signal processing technology could stream a high-definition video to a computer.

"We're just as surprised as everyone else by this announcement,"

"But how valid this is we don't know without seeing more evidence. We remain skeptical."

                                                               Nikola Serafimovski PureVLC spokesman .


Li-Fi is very cheap and efficient technology,possibilities are dynamic. In the laboratory condition data transfer may be 1 1Gbit/s per LED light frequency with  RGB LED claimed by Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute.LED visible light have 10,000 bigger electromagnetic spectrum then radio system.

She admitted that the technology was still in its infancy and needed further developments in microchip design and optical communication controls before it could go mass market.

Prof Chi's research team Shanghai Institute of  Technical Physics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences,


Due to the Light Emitting possibilities of signal lost or propagation ratio became negligible and get the cen percent data without any interruption.Hacking of wireless network will quite difficult which is beneficial for security and data loss,but this may be also major drawback that if light block then your signal will also lost.

This be the great step in the connect and there is very vast future for this technology due to insufficient evidence and lack of information,quite difficult how will this work and how implemented

Source:BBC News

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