Sunday, January 19, 2014

Scientists Have Observe First Nature Ball Lightning

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Ball lightening is the first introduced as St. Elmo’s Fire.Scientist have earlier created this ball in lab but never observe naturally,phenomenon create a moving, glowing sphere that hangs in the sky.

In the Qinghai region of China,scientist's were observing a thunderstorm in 2012 using video cameras and a spectrometer, a device that measures light and electromagnetic waves to identify elements.This sphere recorded recorded a five-meter-wide flash of ball lightning that stayed in the air for about 1.6 seconds.


when lightning strikes the ground, it blasts a cloud of highly-energized soil nanoparticles into the air. As those energized particles calm down, they emit light.

the researchers analysed the spectrometer readings to find large indicators of silicon, iron and calcium, elements present in the soil of the region.

Image Source:StormWlf

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